Disability Employment Services - Help for people living with disability to find and keep work

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If you're living with an injury, illness or disability, and want to find a job, MAX can help. 

•  Support in finding potential careers or jobs that suit you

•  Job application support including resumes, cover letters and interview coaching Introductions to potential employers and work placements 

•  Access to thousands of jobs with our national employer partners 

•  Access to in house health professionals including psychologists and physiologists 

•  Soft skills and role specific training 

•  Help with transport, tools and uniform costs 

•  Support in work

Why should you join MAX?

At MAX Employment, we listen to you to understand your needs and goals, as well as your fears and anxieties. We focus on achieving the best we can for you and make sure you feel valued. 

Our staff are on the ground in your community. We understand local needs - we build relationships with employers to connect you to suitable local jobs.

MAX gives Teska the opportunity to succeed 

"Every day when I put on my uniform, I feel so proud and excited to get to work. I’m really enjoying working again. It makes me feel so good – being part of a team."

Teska, DES customer

Register Now

Contact our friendly customer team to get started

Call now - 1800 270 974

How it works:

1. Register – Call us and we’ll set you up with an appointment. 

2. Talk with us – In your first appointment we’ll develop a plan that includes your story so far, and how we’ll get you to the next chapter 

3. Apply – Our exclusive job portal MAXConnect gives you first access to thousands of jobs while our team ensures you have the best chance at securing those jobs. 

4. Start work - The first few days and weeks of work can take some getting used to, but we’re with you every step of the way. Financial and emotional support is available. 

5. Stay in work – If you experience any issues or changes to your health or personal life, we’re available for as long as you need, providing financial assistance.

I want to work

When you connect with MAX, you will have a team of health, training and employment professionals alongside you as you journey into meaningful and sustainable employment. 

You will also have access to a wide network of employers across the country. 

Get Started

I want to improve my skills

At MAX, we understand that the right combination of learning, training and application of skills delivers better results. 

We can provide training at all levels. Our focus is on understanding your goals, and helping you get the employability skills training the course to get you there.

Talk To UsCall now - 1800 270 974

MAX helps Jodie to find the job she loves

"MAX put me in the right spot. It really was the right job for me. You can’t do it all yourself, you’ve got to have that anchor you can depend on. And I’ve found that at MAX"

Jodie, DES customer

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